Combinations on the GMAT

Combinations on the GMAT

What are combinations? Conceptually, the combinations task is easy to understand: it’s about the number of ways to select a subgroup from a whole group. As in the permutations task, the whole group is notated as n, and the subgroup is notated as r. The standard...
How to Solve Permutations Questions on the GMAT

How to Solve Permutations Questions on the GMAT

Permutations are a type of combinatorics task that is often tested on the GMAT. In a permutations question, you are asked to find the number of ways to order a group of elements. The order of the elements matters in permutations questions, so the number of possible...
Ordering in Combinatorics: A Guide to Solving GMAT Questions

Ordering in Combinatorics: A Guide to Solving GMAT Questions

What is an Ordering Task? Ordering tasks are a common type of question on the GMAT. In an ordering task, you are asked to determine the number of ways to order a set of objects. The number of ways to order n different objects is n!, or n factorial. The best way to...
A Guide to Combinatorics on the GMAT

A Guide to Combinatorics on the GMAT

Every combinatorics question on the GMAT involves one or more of three fundamental combinatorics tasks: ordering, permutations, and combinations. This article will introduce the three tasks, and each of the three following articles will explain a task intuitively to...
GMAT Rate Problems: Algebraic Answers

GMAT Rate Problems: Algebraic Answers

Welcome back to our series on GMAT quant rate problems. In this final article, we’ll explore problems that have algebraic expressions as answer choices. You have a few options whenever you encounter one of these problems, but this article will focus on solving them by...