GMAT Number Properties: Divisibility and Prime Factors

GMAT Number Properties: Divisibility and Prime Factors

Welcome back to our series on number properties. In this article, we cover the heart and soul of number properties: divisibility, specifically as it relates to the prime factors of integers. Here’s the all-important fact: Divisibility boils down to shared primes....
Prime Factorization: The Building Blocks of Integers

Prime Factorization: The Building Blocks of Integers

One of the most fundamental and widely applicable skills for GMAT quant is the ability to break down integers to their prime factors. Integers are a class of numbers sometimes referred to as “whole numbers.” Integers can be positive, negative, or 0 in value, and they...
GMAT Prime Factorization (Anatomy of a Problem)

GMAT Prime Factorization (Anatomy of a Problem)

By: Rich Zwelling (Apex GMAT Instructor) Date: 1st April 2021 First, if you’d prefer to go straight to the explanation for the solution to the problem given in the last post, continue to the end of this post. But we’ll start with the following Official Guide GMAT...