Imagine that you wake up on a sunny day, you feel energized and positive about where your day is headed, and you have a plan in your head on how to organize your time efficiently so that you can begin preparing for your GMAT exam. Then, suddenly, you realize that you only have a few days left before your GMAT exam date. You start overthinking about what you know or don’t know about the exam, its procedure, the dos and don’ts, and you feel yourself getting stressed. This is a normal feeling for most people who have exams coming up and feel like they lost track of time. But no need to panic – We gotcha!  Here are a few things you can do to help with the process.

1. Get yourself accustomed to the GMAT exam procedure

It is of utmost importance that you know the GMAT exam procedure by heart before taking the test. This can help by making sure the exam goes smoothly and you don’t get worried about making silly mistakes.

So, how is the GMAT structured and what are its procedures?

Here is a brief recap. The GMAT has 4 sections:

The total time it takes to complete the GMAT, with breaks, is usually 3.5 hours. If you’re interested in knowing how the scoring of the GMAT goes, you can watch this short and comprehensive YouTube video.

2. Take the GMAT practice exam during the same time as the real one

Having routines in life helps us manage our time efficiently. The same can be said for the GMAT exam. It is crucial that you know what time your real exam is going to be so that you can start preparing and practicing during the same time of the day. Why is this important? Let’s say you usually wake up at 11:00 AM and start studying around 1:00 PM. If your exam starts at 10:00 AM, you’re going to have a hard time functioning to the best of your abilities. Thus, it is suggested that you create a routine around your exam time so that your brain and body can get used to it.

3. Revise your previous GMAT mistakes, but don’t acquire new knowledge

Cramming in new information a few days before taking the GMAT does not usually result in effective learning. It is a student’s habit to start learning new material at midnight, but this will not help you solidify your knowledge. Your GMAT exam procedure needs practice and time, and you simply cannot learn new things in a span of a few hours. That is why it is better to go over what you have learned thus far, which will help in remembering what you already know. If this makes you feel like you have to have a plan, that is great! You can start with study plans months or even a year beforehand. Take a look at this 3-Month GMAT Guide to help you start your journey with preparing for the GMAT.

Final Thoughts

It is often easy to get stressed before the exam and lose track of time. To feel prepared to take the GMAT, it is advised that you get accustomed to the exam procedure, take the practice exam during the same time as the real one, and revise your previous mistakes, but don’t try to acquire new knowledge a day or two out. These are only a few GMAT tips to help you feel more confident about the big day, for more, you can check out our other articles. 

Some people feel more assured about taking the GMAT when they have instructors. If you can do it on your own, then good job! If you are thinking about having an instructor help you with the GMAT, you can sign up for a complimentary consultation call. Our tutors at APEX have all scored 770+ and are professional in the field. In this consultation call, they will guide you in your GMAT journey. Rest assured, you will be in good hands!